Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC00209
TypeWild-derived Inbred
SpeciesMus musculus molossinus
Strain nameMSM/Ms
Former Common nameM.MOL-MSM
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strainMSM [Mus musculus molossinus]
Appearancewhite-bellied agouti [Aw/Aw]
Strain developmentDeveloped by National Institute of Genetics. Sibling x Sibling. Productive mating: 60.6% (n=53); First mating: 77.7 days (n=14); Litter size: 5.2 pups (n=102)
Strain descriptionWild-derived inbred strain of Mus musculus molossinus, collected at Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan in April 1978 and maintained by Kazuo Mrowaki, National Institute of Genetics. This strain has been reported to be resistant to the development of lymphoma and obesity. MSM can be used to support research in many areas including cancer and genetics.
Colony maintenance
Radiation-induced lymphomas in MSM, (BALB/cHeA x MSM) F1 and (BALB/cHeA x STS/A) F1 hybrid mice.
Okumoto M, Mori N, Miyashita N, Moriwaki K, Imai S, Haga S, Hiroishi S, Takamori Y, Esaki K
Exp. Anim., 44, 43-48 (1995). 7705478

Immortalization of cells from brains derived from a strain (MSM/MSfB6C3F1) of wild mouse.
Yuasa T, Abe E, Oshimura M, Namba M
Acta Med. Okayama., 50, 319-324(1996). 8985469

Novel mutation of topoisomerase I in rendering cells resistant to camptothecin.
Chang J Y, Liu J F, Juang S H, Liu T W, Chen L T
Cancer Res., 56, 3716-3720 (1996). 12097280

Induction of invasive squamous cell carcinomas in the forestomach of (C3H x MSM)F1, MSM, and C3H mice by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and mutational analysis of the H-ras and p53 genes.
Masui T, Tezuka N, Nakanishi H, Inada K, Miyashita N, Tatematsu M
Cancer Lett., 111, 97-104 (1997). 9022133

Minisatellite instability in severe combined immunodeficiency mouse cells.
Imai H, Nakagama H, Komatsu K, Shiraishi T, Fukuda H, Sugimura T, Nagao M
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94, 10817-10820 (1997). 9380717

Microsatellite database for MSM/Ms and JF1/Ms, molossinus-derived inbred strains.
Kikkawa Y, Miura I, Takahama S, Wakana S, Yamazaki Y, Moriwaki K, Shiroishi T, Yonekawa H
Mamm. Genome, 12, 750-752 (2001). 11641725

Contribution of Asian mouse subspecies Mus musculus molossinus to genomic constitution of strain C57BL/6J, as defined by BAC-end sequence-SNP analysis.
Abe K, Noguchi H, Tagawa K, Yuzuriha M, Toyoda A, Kojima T, Ezawa K, Saitou N, Hattori M, Sakaki Y, Moriwaki K, Shiroishi T
Genome Res., 14, 2439-2447 (2004). 15574823

Mouse inter-subspecific consomic strains for genetic dissection of quantitative complex traits.
Takada T, Mita A, Maeno A, Sakai T, Shitara H, Kikkawa Y, Moriwaki K, Yonekawa H, Shiroishi T
Genome Res., 18, 500-508 (2008). 18256237

Unique inbred strain MSM/Ms established from the Japanese wild mouse.
Moriwaki K, Miyashita N, Mita A, Gotoh H, Tsuchiya K, Kato H, Mekada K, Noro C, Oota S, Yoshiki A, Obata Y, Yonekawa H, Shiroishi T
Exp. Anim., 58, 123-134 (2009). 19448335

Establishment of germline-competent embryonic stem cell lines from the MSM/Ms strain.
Araki K, Takeda N, Yoshiki A, Obata Y, Nakagata N, Shiroishi T, Moriwaki K, Yamamura K
Mamm. Genome, 20, 14-20(2009). 19082856
more 1 references
The ancestor of extant Japanese fancy mice contributed to the mosaic genomes of classical inbred strains.
Takada T, Ebata T, Noguchi H, Keane T M, Adams D J, Narita T, Shin-I T, Fujisawa H, Toyoda A, Abe K, Obata Y, Sakaki Y, Moriwaki K, Fujiyama A, Kohara Y, Shiroishi T
Genome Res., 23: 1329-1338 (2013). 23604024

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack2024/11/25Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2024/08/26Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2024/05/27Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2024/02/26Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/11/27Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/08/28Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/05/29Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/02/27Room:4-CRack:FSentinel mouse program


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene


Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
  • normal phenotype(MP:0002873)
  • Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNA
    Research applicationCancer Research
    Genetics Research
    Specific Term and ConditionsIn publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature(s) designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. ① Exp. Anim., 58, 123-134 (2009). or/and ② Genome Res., 23: 1329–1338 (2013).In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested. The RECIPIENT must contact the DEPOSITOR in the case of application for any patents or commercial use based on the results from the use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE. Prior to requesting the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, the RECIPIENT must obtain approval from the DEPOSITOR using the Approval Form. (Contact info: Tsuyoshi Koide, Ph.D. <>, Mouse Genomics Resource Laboratory)
    DepositorToshihiko Shiroishi (National Institute of Genetics)
    Strain Statusan icon for Live miceLive mice
    an icon for Frozen embryosFrozen embryos
    an icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityCryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Cryopreserved embryos (within 1 month)
    Live mouse (1 to 3 months)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Approval form (Japanese / English)
    2. Order form (Japanese / English)
    3. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)

    Mouse of the Month Apr 2009

    Click Here for Mouse genomic DNA (RIKEN DNA Bank)
    Click Here for BAC clone (RIKEN DNA Bank)

    BRC mice in Publications

    Saito A, Tahara R, Hirose M, Kadota M, Hasegawa A, Kondo S, Kato H, Amano T, Yoshiki A, Ogura A, Kiyosawa H.
    Inter-subspecies mouse F1 hybrid embryonic stem cell lines newly established for studies of allelic imbalance in gene expression.
    Exp Anim (2024) 38447983
    Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Matoba S, Inoue K, Hama D, Kadota M, Hiraiwa N, Yoshiki A, Ogura A.
    Development of assisted reproductive technologies for Mus spretus†.
    Biol Reprod 104(1) 234-243(2021) 32990726
    Yagi M, Kabata M, Tanaka A, Ukai T, Ohta S, Nakabayashi K, Shimizu M, Hata K, Meissner A, Yamamoto T, Yamada Y.
    Identification of distinct loci for de novo DNA methylation by DNMT3A and DNMT3B during mammalian development.
    Nat Commun 11(1) 3199(2020) 32581223
    Yagi M, Kabata M, Ukai T, Ohta S, Tanaka A, Shimada Y, Sugimoto M, Araki K, Okita K, Woltjen K, Hochedlinger K, Yamamoto T, Yamada Y.
    De Novo DNA Methylation at Imprinted Loci during Reprogramming into Naive and Primed Pluripotency.
    Stem Cell Reports 12(5) 1113-1128(2019) 31056481
    Yagi M, Kishigami S, Tanaka A, Semi K, Mizutani E, Wakayama S, Wakayama T, Yamamoto T, Yamada Y.
    Derivation of ground-state female ES cells maintaining gamete-derived DNA methylation.
    Nature 548(7666) 224-227(2017) 28746308
    Hirose M, Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Matoba S, Hatanaka Y, Inoue K, Goto T, Kaneda H, Yamada I, Furuse T, Abe K, Uenoyama Y, Tsukamura H, Wakana S, Honda A, Ogura A.
    CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in wild-derived mice: generation of tamed wild-derived strains by mutation of the a (nonagouti) gene.
    Sci Rep 7 42476(2017) 28195201
    Mochida K, Hasegawa A, Otaka N, Hama D, Furuya T, Yamaguchi M, Ichikawa E, Ijuin M, Taguma K, Hashimoto M, Takashima R, Kadota M, Hiraiwa N, Mekada K, Yoshiki A, Ogura A.
    Devising assisted reproductive technologies for wild-derived strains of mice: 37 strains from five subspecies of Mus musculus.
    PLoS One 9(12) e114305(2014) 25470728
    Ikeda R, Shiura H, Numata K, Sugimoto M, Kondo M, Mise N, Suzuki M, Greally JM, Abe K.
    Large, male germ cell-specific hypomethylated DNA domains with unique genomic and epigenomic features on the mouse X chromosome.
    DNA Res 20(6) 549-65(2013) 23861320
    Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Matoba S, Yonezawa K, Ohta A, Watanabe G, Taya K, Ogura A.
    Efficient production of offspring from Japanese wild-derived strains of mice (Mus musculus molossinus) by improved assisted reproductive technologies.
    Biol Reprod 86(5) 167, 1-7(2012) 22337332
    Kohama C, Kato H, Numata K, Hirose M, Takemasa T, Ogura A, Kiyosawa H.
    ES cell differentiation system recapitulates the establishment of imprinted gene expression in a cell-type-specific manner.
    Hum Mol Genet 21(6) 1391-401(2012) 22156770
    Nunome M, Ishimori C, Aplin KP, Tsuchiya K, Yonekawa H, Moriwaki K, Suzuki H.
    Detection of recombinant haplotypes in wild mice (Mus musculus) provides new insights into the origin of Japanese mice.
    Mol Ecol 19(12) 2474-89(2010) 20465587
    Araki K, Takeda N, Yoshiki A, Obata Y, Nakagata N, Shiroishi T, Moriwaki K, Yamamura K.
    Establishment of germline-competent embryonic stem cell lines from the MSM/Ms strain.
    Mamm Genome 20(1) 14-20(2009) 19082856
    Tomida S, Mamiya T, Sakamaki H, Miura M, Aosaki T, Masuda M, Niwa M, Kameyama T, Kobayashi J, Iwaki Y, Imai S, Ishikawa A, Abe K, Yoshimura T, Nabeshima T, Ebihara S.
    Usp46 is a quantitative trait gene regulating mouse immobile behavior in the tail suspension and forced swimming tests.
    Nat Genet 41(6) 688-95(2009) 19465912
    Kawakami M, Yamamura K.
    Cranial bone morphometric study among mouse strains.
    BMC Evol Biol 8 73(2008) 18307817
    Omi N, Kiyokawa E, Matsuda M, Kinoshita K, Yamada S, Yamada K, Matsushima Y, Wang Y, Kawai J, Suzuki M, Hayashizaki Y, Hiai H.
    Mutation of Dock5, a member of the guanine exchange factor Dock180 superfamily, in the rupture of lens cataract mouse.
    Exp Eye Res 86(5) 828-34(2008) 18396277
    Mise N, Fuchikami T, Sugimoto M, Kobayakawa S, Ike F, Ogawa T, Tada T, Kanaya S, Noce T, Abe K.
    Differences and similarities in the developmental status of embryo-derived stem cells and primordial germ cells revealed by global expression profiling.
    Genes Cells 13(8) 863-77(2008) 18782224
    Johnsen JM, Levy GG, Westrick RJ, Tucker PK, Ginsburg D.
    The endothelial-specific regulatory mutation, Mvwf1, is a common mouse founder allele.
    Mamm Genome 19(1) 32-40(2008) 18188647
    Shinmen A, Honda A, Ohkawa M, Hirose M, Ogonuki N, Yuzuriha M, Miki H, Mochida K, Inoue K, Abe K, Ito M, Ogura A.
    Efficient production of intersubspecific hybrid mice and embryonic stem cells by intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
    Mol Reprod Dev 74(9) 1081-8(2007) 17290420
    Sugimoto M, Abe K.
    X chromosome reactivation initiates in nascent primordial germ cells in mice.
    PLoS Genet 3(7) e116(2007) 17676999
    Oka A, Mita A, Sakurai-Yamatani N, Yamamoto H, Takagi N, Takano-Shimizu T, Toshimori K, Moriwaki K, Shiroishi T.
    Hybrid breakdown caused by substitution of the X chromosome between two mouse subspecies.
    Genetics 166(2) 913-24(2004) 15020476