Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC01251
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameC57BL/6-Tg(EIF1A-FLP)14Mim/MimRbrc
Former Common nameFLP14; FLP14 mouse
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strainC57BL/6NCrlCrlj
Strain developmentDeveloped by Dr. Masami Mishina, The Tokyo University.
Strain descriptionThis transgenic mice express FLP recombinase with the SV40 large T antigen nuclear localization signal at its amino terminus under the control of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 promoter.
Colony maintenance
Flp recombinase transgenic mice of C57BL/6 strain for conditional gene targeting.
Takeuchi T, Nomura T, Tsujita M, Suzuki M, Fuse T, Mori H, Mishina M
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 293, 953-957 (2002). 12051751

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
FLP yeast flippase recombinaseUNFLP human elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) promoter
nls SV40 large T antigen nuclear localization signal (NLS)UNnls
poly A human granulocyte colony-stimulating facter gene polyAdenylation signal sequenceUNpoly A


Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
  • obese(MP:0001261)
  • Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNAhuman EF1-alpha promoter, SV40 large T antigen nuclear localization signal, yeast flp recombinase, human granulocyte colony-stimulating facter gene poly adenylation signal sequence
    Research applicationCell Biology Research
    FLP/frt system
    Specific Term and ConditionsIn publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature(s) designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 293, 953-957 (2002).In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
    DepositorMasayoshi Mishina (The University of Tokyo)
    Strain Statusan icon for Frozen embryosFrozen embryos
    an icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityRecovered litters from cryopreserved embryos (2 to 4 months)
    Cryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Cryopreserved embryos (within 1 month)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Order form (Japanese / English)
    2. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)
    3. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)

    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

    No Data