Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC01346
TypeSpontaneous Mutation Congenic
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameC57BL/6-Prkdc<scid>/Rbrc
Former Common nameB6-scid, C57BL/6-scid mice
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strainC57BL/6NCrSlc
Appearanceblack (a/a B/B C/C)
Strain developmentDeveloped by Mie University Graduate School of Medicine. The original scid mice were provided by Ohtura Niwa, Radiation Biology Center, Kyoto University (C57BL/6-scid p<un>). The mutant mice were backcrossed to DBA/2Cr and C57BL/6NCr (RBRC01300 and RBRC01346, respectively).
Strain descriptionscid, severe combined immune deficiency mice. Homozygous mutant mice lack both functional T and B cells, resulting in severe combined immunodeficiency. DBA/2 background (RBRC01300), C57BL/6 background (RBRC01346). We do not carry out a detection of leaky mice by measuring serum Ig level (PCR genotying of scid mutation only).
Colony maintenanceHomozygote x Homozygote [or Crossing to C57BL/6NCrSlc]
Persistent induction of somatic reversions of the pink-eyed unstable mutation in F1 mice born to fathers irradiated at the spermatozoa stage.
Shiraishi K, Shimura T, Taga M, Uematsu N, Gondo Y, Ohtaki M, Kominami R, Niwa O
Radiat. Res., 157, 661-667(2002). 12005545

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack2024/11/05Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program
2024/08/05Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program
2024/05/07Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program
2024/02/05Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/11/06Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/08/07Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program
2023/05/08Room:2-検Rack:FSentinel mouse program


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
protein kinase, DNA activated, catalytic polypeptide16Prkdc<scid> severe combined immune deficiency
  • severe combined immunodeficiency due to DNA-PKcs deficiency(MedGEN)
  • Phenotype

    Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
  • abnormal NK cell physiology(MP:0010766)

  • abnormal Peyer's patch morphology(MP:0000696)

  • abnormal complement pathway(MP:0002471)

  • abnormal humoral immune response(MP:0001800)

  • abnormal intestinal epithelium morphology(MP:0000488)
  • more 56 phenotypes
  • abnormal level of surface class II molecules(MP:0005042)

  • abnormal lymph node B cell domain morphology(MP:0002344)

  • abnormal lymph node morphology(MP:0002339)

  • abnormal response to transplant(MP:0005671)

  • abnormal spleen white pulp morphology(MP:0002357)

  • abnormal thymus cortex morphology(MP:0002371)

  • abnormal thymus corticomedullary boundary morphology(MP:0009543)

  • abnormal thymus lobule morphology(MP:0002367)

  • abnormal thymus morphology(MP:0000703)

  • absent B cells(MP:0008071)

  • absent Peyer's patches(MP:0002831)

  • absent pre-B cells(MP:0000238)

  • absent thymus cortex(MP:0010250)

  • decreased B cell number(MP:0005017)

  • decreased B cell proliferation(MP:0005093)

  • decreased CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell number(MP:0008075)

  • decreased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number(MP:0008079)

  • decreased IgG level(MP:0001805)

  • decreased NK cell number(MP:0008045)

  • decreased T cell number(MP:0005018)

  • decreased T cell proliferation(MP:0005095)

  • decreased bone marrow cell number(MP:0000333)

  • decreased erythrocyte cell number(MP:0002875)

  • decreased immunoglobulin level(MP:0002460)

  • decreased leukocyte cell number(MP:0000221)

  • decreased level of surface class I molecules(MP:0001841)

  • decreased lymphocyte cell number(MP:0005016)

  • decreased mature B cell number(MP:0008211)

  • decreased pre-B cell number(MP:0008209)

  • hematopoietic system phenotype(MP:0005397)

  • homeostasis/metabolism phenotype(MP:0005376)

  • immune system phenotype(MP:0005387)

  • impaired complement classical pathway(MP:0002473)

  • impaired natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity(MP:0005070)

  • increased NK cell number(MP:0008044)

  • increased T cell derived lymphoma incidence(MP:0002024)

  • increased cellular sensitivity to X-ray irradiation(MP:0002879)

  • increased circulating glucose level(MP:0005559)

  • increased eosinophil cell number(MP:0005011)

  • increased granulocyte number(MP:0000322)

  • increased length of allograft survival(MP:0004751)

  • increased macrophage cell number(MP:0005425)

  • increased mean corpuscular volume(MP:0002590)

  • increased monocyte cell number(MP:0000220)

  • increased neutrophil cell number(MP:0000219)

  • lymph node hypoplasia(MP:0008101)

  • lymphoid hypoplasia(MP:0002223)

  • muscle phenotype(MP:0005369)

  • premature death(MP:0002083)

  • salivary gland inflammation(MP:0001870)

  • small Peyer's patches(MP:0008135)

  • small lymphoid organs(MP:0000687)

  • small thymus(MP:0000706)

  • spleen hypoplasia(MP:0000694)

  • stomach inflammation(MP:0001873)

  • thymus cyst(MP:0014130)
  • Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNA
    Research applicationImmunology and Inflammation Research
    Specific Term and ConditionsThe RECIPIENT agrees to use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE only for basic research, shall not use for commercial use.
    DepositorKagemasa Kuribayashi (Mie University)
    Strain Statusan icon for Live miceLive mice
    an icon for Frozen embryosFrozen embryos
    an icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityCryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Cryopreserved embryos (within 1 month)
    Live mouse (1 to 3 months)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Order form (Japanese / English)
    2. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)

    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

    Matsuura H, Ishino T, Ninomiya T, Ninomiya K, Tachibana K, Honobe-Tabuchi A, Muto Y, Inozume T, Ueda Y, Ohashi K, Maeda Y, Nagasaki J, Togashi Y.
    High Antigenicity for Treg Cells Confers Resistance to PD-1 Blockade Therapy via High PD-1 Expression in Treg Cells.
    Cancer Sci (2025) 40017103
    Ikeda H, Kawase K, Nishi T, Watanabe T, Takenaga K, Inozume T, Ishino T, Aki S, Lin J, Kawashima S, Nagasaki J, Ueda Y, Suzuki S, Makinoshima H, Itami M, Nakamura Y, Tatsumi Y, Suenaga Y, Morinaga T, Honobe-Tabuchi A, Ohnuma T, Kawamura T, Umeda Y, Nakamura Y, Kiniwa Y, Ichihara E, Hayashi H, Ikeda JI, Hanazawa T, Toyooka S, Mano H, Suzuki T, Osawa T, Kawazu M, Togashi Y.
    Immune evasion through mitochondrial transfer in the tumour microenvironment.
    Nature (2025) 39843734
    Zhou W, Kawashima S, Ishino T, Kawase K, Ueda Y, Yamashita K, Watanabe T, Kawazu M, Dansako H, Suzuki Y, Nishikawa H, Inozume T, Nagasaki J, Togashi Y.
    Stem-like progenitor and terminally differentiated TFH-like CD4+ T cell exhaustion in the tumor microenvironment.
    Cell Rep 43(2) 113797(2024) 38363680
    Ishino T, Kawashima S, Tanji E, Ueno T, Ueda Y, Ogasawara S, Sato K, Mano H, Ishihara S, Kato N, Kawazu M, Togashi Y.
    Somatic mutations can induce a noninflamed tumour microenvironment via their original gene functions, despite deriving neoantigens.
    Br J Cancer (2023) 36732592
    Kawase K, Kawashima S, Nagasaki J, Inozume T, Tanji E, Kawazu M, Hanazawa T, Togashi Y.
    High Expression of MHC Class I Overcomes Cancer Immunotherapy Resistance Due to IFNγ Signaling Pathway Defects.
    Cancer Immunol Res OF1-OF14(2023) 37062030
    Kemmotsu N, Zhu L, Nagasaki J, Otani Y, Ueda Y, Dansako H, Fang Y, Date I, Togashi Y.
    Combination therapy with hydrogen peroxide and irradiation promotes an abscopal effect in mouse models.
    Cancer Sci (2023) 37485636
    Nagasaki J, Togashi Y, Sugawara T, Itami M, Yamauchi N, Yuda J, Sugano M, Ohara Y, Minami Y, Nakamae H, Hino M, Takeuchi M, Nishikawa H.
    The critical role of CD4+ T cells in PD-1 blockade against MHC-II-expressing tumors such as classic Hodgkin lymphoma.
    Blood Adv 4(17) 4069-4082(2020) 32870971