Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC04743
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameSTOCK Tg(aMHC-GCaMP2)4Bsi
Former Common nameaMHC-GCaMP2#4
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strainJcl:B6D2F1
Strain developmentDeveloped by Dr. Thomas Knöpfel, RIKEN Brain Science Institute.BDF1-ICR hybrid
Strain descriptionTransgene composed of regulatory sequences of mouse aMHC promoter and rat Kv3.1 (Kcnc1) and the gene for the calcium sensor GCaMP2. GCaMP2: Ca2+-sensing GCaMP2 protein consist of M13 segment of myosin light chain kinase from chicken, Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) from jelly fish, and calmodulin from rat (Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Aug;22(3):627-35). There are 5 lines of aMHCA-GcaMP2 tansgenic mice (RBRC04743, RBRC04744, RBRC04745, RBRC04746, RBRC04747). The heart condition of the aMHCA-GcaMP2 mice differs from line to line. Dependent on the expression level, some lines exhibit some heart hypertrophy. Line #4 (RBRC04743): Expression level is low to medium. Homozygous mice are fertile. Line #14 (RBRC04744): Expression level is medium. Hypertrophic heart. Homozygous mice are fertile. Line #29 (RBRC04745): Expression might be mosaic (varying penetrance?). Homozygous mice are fertile. Line #53 (RBRC04746): Strong expression. Viability and reproductive capacity of homozygote is unknown. Line #60 (RBRC04747): Very strong expression. So far no surviving (2 months <) (homozygote).
Colony maintenanceCarrier x CarrierThe different lines have different levels of GCamP2 expression. Dependent on the expression level, some lines exhibit some heart hypertrophy. These mice are fertile but might not reach ages over 3-4 months.
Activation of cerebellar parallel fibers monitored in transgenic mice expressing a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator protein.
Javier Díez-García, Shinichi Matsushita, Hiroki Mutoh, Junichi Nakai, Masamichi Ohkura, Jennifer Yokoyama, Dimitar Dimitrov, Thomas Knöpfel
Eur. J. Neurosci., 22, 627-635 (2005). 16101744

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
GCaMP2 RSET tag, chicken myosin light chain kinase (M13) cDNA, Jellyfish circularly permutated EGFP (cpEGFP) cDNA, rat calmodulin (CaM) cDNAUNGCaMP2 mouse aMHC promoter
SV40 polyA signalUN


Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
  • cardiac hypertrophy(MP:0001625)
  • Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNAmouse aMHC promoter, GCaMP2(RSET tag, chicken myosin light chain kinase (M13), Jellyfish circularly permutated EGFP (cpEGFP) cDNA, rat calmodulin (CaM) cDNA), Simian virus SV40 polyA
    Research applicationFluorescent Proteins/lacZ System
    Specific Term and ConditionsBEFORE the first publication on the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE by the DEPOSITOR:
    a) The RECIPIENT shall acquire a prior written consent from the DEPOSITOR using the Approval form.
    b) The RECIPIENT shall acquire and a prior written consent from the DEPOSITOR prior to filing an application for a patent, or intellectual property or other rights based on the results of research using the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE.
    c) In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested, Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Aug;22(3):627-35.
    d) In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
    AFTER the first publication on the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE by the DEPOSITOR:
    a) In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literatures designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested, (will be announced).
    b) In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
    DepositorThomas Knöepfel (RIKEN)
    Strain Statusan icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityRecovered litters from cryopreserved sperm (2 to 4 months)
    Cryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Order form (Japanese / English)
    2. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)
    3. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)
    Contact Information
    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

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