Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC09690
TypeTargeted MutationCartagena
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameB6.Cg-Gpr65<Tn(sb-lacZ,GFP)T1.88Jtak>/Sati
Former Common nameGpr65gt/gt
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strain
Strain developmentDeveloped by Junji Takeda, Osaka University in 2003. Backcrossed to C57BL/6 for 9 generations by Satoshi Ishii, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine.
Strain descriptionGene trap mice of the Gpr65 gene with a sleeping beauty transposable element. Homozygous mice are viable and fertile, but they show abnormal macrophage physiology and osteoclastic activity.
Colony maintenance
Characterization of Sleeping Beauty transposition and its application to genetic screening in mice.
Horie K, Yusa K, Yae K, Odajima J, Fischer S E, Keng V W, Hayakawa T, Mizuno S, Kondoh G, Ijiri T, Matsuda Y, Plasterk R H, Takeda J
Mol. Cell Biol., 23, 9189-9207 (2003). 14645530

Involvement of proton-sensing TDAG8 in extracellular acidification-induced inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine production in peritoneal macrophages.
Mogi C, Tobo M, Tomura H, Murata N, He X D, Sato K, Kimura T, Ishizuka T, Sasaki T, Sato T, Kihara Y, Ishii S, Harada A, Okajima F
J. Immunol., 182, 3243-3251 (2009). 19234222

Inhibition of interleukin-1beta production by extracellular acidification through the TDAG8/cAMP pathway in mouse microglia.
Jin Y, Sato K, Tobo A, Mogi C, Tobo M, Murata N, Ishii S, Im D S, Okajima F
J. Neurochem., 129, 683-695 (2014). 24447140

TDAG8 activation inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption.
Hikiji H, Endo D, Horie K, Harayama T, Akahoshi N, Igarashi H, Kihara Y, Yanagida K, Takeda J, Koji T, Shimizu T, Ishii S
FASEB J., 28, 871-879 (2014). 24221084

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
BCL2 Splice acceptor (human bcl-2)12BCL2
GFP Green Fluorescent Protein (Aequorea victoria)12 CAG promoter (CMV-IE enhancer, chicken beta-actin promoter, rabbit beta-globin genomic DNA)
G-protein coupled receptor 6512Gpr65<Tn(sb-lacZ,GFP)T1.88Jtak>
transposon insertion T1.88, Junji Takeda
Hprt mouse Hprt splice donor (SD)12Hprt
Ires internal ribosomal entry site (EMCV)12
lacZ beta-galactosidase (E. coli)12
loxP phage P1 loxP12loxP
loxP phage P1 loxP12loxP
loxP phage P1 loxP12loxP


Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
  • abnormal interleukin-1 beta secretion(MP:0008656)

  • abnormal macrophage physiology(MP:0002451)

  • decreased bone mineral content(MP:0010124)

  • decreased bone resorption(MP:0004993)

  • decreased trabecular bone volume(MP:0010879)
  • more 1 phenotypes
  • decreased tumor necrosis factor secretion(MP:0008561)
  • Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNAmouse phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PGK promoter), E. coli neo, Phage P1 loxP sites, Salmon Sleeping Beauty transposase, Human bc1-2 splice acceptor (SA), Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) internal ribosomal entry site (ires), Simian virus 40 Large T antigen nuclear localization signal (NLS), E. coli lacZ, Rabbit beta-globin adenylation signal sequence, CAG promoter (CMV-IE enhancer, chicken beta-actin promoter, rabbit beta-globin genomic DNA), Jellyfish GFP cDNA, Mouse Hprt splice donor (SD), mRNA instability (human granulocyte-macrophagecolony-stimulating factor cDNA)
    Research applicationCre/loxP system
    Fluorescent Proteins/lacZ System
    Specific Term and ConditionsPrior to requesting the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, the RECIPIENT must obtain approval from the DEPOSITOR using the Approval Form. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature(s) designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. Mol. Cell Biol., 23, 9189-9207 (2003). FASEB J., 28, 871-879 (2014). In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR is requested.
    DepositorSatoshi Ishii (Akita University)
    Strain Statusan icon for Frozen embryosFrozen embryos
    an icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityRecovered litters from cryopreserved embryos (2 to 4 months)
    Cryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Cryopreserved embryos (within 1 month)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Approval form (Japanese / English)
    2. Order form (Japanese / English)
    3. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)
    4. CAGGS MTA (English)
    5. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)

    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

    No Data