Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC10170
TypeTargeted Mutation CongenicCartagena
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameB6;Cg-Pdx1<tm1(cre)Yasu>
Former Common namePdx1 ires-Cre
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell lineV6.5 [(C57BL/6J x 129S4/SvJae)F1]
Background strain
Strain developmentDeveloped by Hirofumi Shibata and his colleagues in 2015, and deposited by Yasuhiro Yamada, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University. V6.5 ES cells derived from (C57BL/6 x 129S4/SvJae)F1 were used. Mixed genetic background.
Strain descriptionKnock-in mouse of Cre to the 3’UTR of the Pdx1. IRES-Cre-Rox-PGK-Puro-Rox is placed after Exon 2.
Colony maintenance
In vivo reprogramming drives Kras-induced cancer development.
Shibata H, Komura S, Yamada Y, Sankoda N, Tanaka A, Ukai T, Kabata M, Sakurai S, Kuze B, Woltjen K, Haga H, Ito Y, Kawaguchi Y, Yamamoto T, Yamada Y
Nature Commun., 9, 2081 (2018). 29802314

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack2024/09/09Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program
2024/06/10Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program
2024/04/22Room:3-DRack:ASentinel mouse program
2024/03/11Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program
2024/01/22Room:3-DRack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/12/11Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/10/23Room:3-DRack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/09/11Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/07/24Room:3-DRack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/06/26Room:3-2Rack:AAdditional tests
2023/06/13Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/04/24Room:3-DRack:ASentinel mouse program
2023/03/13Room:3-2Rack:ASentinel mouse program


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
HBB2 rabbit beta-globin polyA5HBB2
Ires internal ribosomal entry site (EMCV)5
pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 15Pdx1<tm1(cre)Yasu> targeted mutation 1, Yasuhiro Yamada
  • maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 4(MedGEN)

  • maturity-onset diabetes of the young(DisGeNET)

  • pancreatic agenesis 1(MedGEN)
  • more 1 Diseases
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus(MedGEN)
  • cre Phage P1 Cre recombinase5cre
    puro puromycin acyltransferase (Streptomyces alboniger)5puro mouse phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PGK promoter)
    rox Bacteriophage D6 rox site5rox
    rox Bacteriophage D6 rox site5rox
    SV40 polyA signal5


    Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
    Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNAEncephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) internal ribosomal entry site (ires), P1 Bacteriophage Cre, Rabbit globin pA, D6 Bacteriophage Rox sites, mouse phosphoglycerate kinase promoter (PGK promoter), Streptomyces alboniger puromycin resistance gene, Simian virus (SV40) pA, mouse Pdx1 genomic DNA
    Research applicationCre/loxP system
    Specific Term and ConditionsIn publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature(s) designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. Nature Commun., 9, 2081 (2018). The availability of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE is limited to a RECIPIENT of a not-for profit institution for a not-for-profit research.
    DepositorYasuhiro Yamada (Kyoto University)
    Strain Statusan icon for Frozen embryosFrozen embryos
    an icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityRecovered litters from cryopreserved embryos (2 to 4 months)
    Cryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Cryopreserved embryos (within 1 month)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Order form (Japanese / English)
    2. Category I MTA: MTA for distribution with RIKEN BRC (Japanese / English)
    3. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)

    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

    No Data