Strain Data Sheet


Strain Information

BRC No.RBRC10197
TypeCRISPR/Cas9 (Transgene)Cartagena
SpeciesMus musculus
Strain nameC57BL/6N-Trp53<em1.1Rbrc>
Former Common name
H-2 Haplotype
ES Cell line
Background strainC57BL/6NJcl
Strain developmentRIKEN BRC developed this strain by crossing a floxed Trp53 strain (RBRC09921) with a Cre strain. This was funded through the FY2016 AMED-NBRP fundamental technology upgrading program.
Strain descriptionTrp53 knockout mice in the C57BL/6N genetic background. A genomic region from Exon 2 to Exon 9 of the Trp53 was deleted.
Colony maintenance

Health Report

Examination Date / Room / Rack2023/07/24Room:3-DRack:LSentinel mouse program
2023/04/24Room:3-DRack:LSentinel mouse program


Gene SymbolGene NameChr.Allele SymbolAllele NameCommon NamesPromoterDiseases Related to This Gene
transformation related protein 5311Trp53<em1.1Rbrc> endonuclease mediated mutation 1.1, RIKEN BRC
  • adrenal cortex carcinoma(DisGeNET)

  • adrenocortical carcinoma, hereditary(MedGEN)

  • B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia(DisGeNET)
  • more 14 Diseases
  • basal cell carcinoma, susceptibility to, 7(MedGEN)

  • bone marrow failure syndrome 5(MedGEN)

  • bone osteosarcoma(MedGEN)

  • breast carcinoma(DisGeNET)

  • choroid plexus papilloma(MedGEN)

  • colorectal cancer(MedGEN)

  • exocrine pancreatic carcinoma(MedGEN)

  • glioma susceptibility 1(MedGEN)

  • glioma(DisGeNET)

  • hepatocellular carcinoma(MedGEN)

  • hereditary breast carcinoma(MedGEN)

  • Li-Fraumeni syndrome(DisGeNET)

  • nasopharyngeal carcinoma(MedGEN)

  • obsolete Li-Fraumeni syndrome 1(MedGEN)
  • loxP phage P1 loxP11loxP


    Annotation by Mammalian phenotyhpe ontology
    Detailed phenotype data

    Ordering Information

    Donor DNAPhage P1 loxP site, mouse Trp53 genomic DNA
    Research applicationCre/loxP system
    Specific Term and Conditions1, In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to RIKEN BRC is requested.
    2, For use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE by a for-profit organization, the RECIPIENT must reach agreement on terms and conditions of use of it with DEPOSITOR and must obtain a prior written consent from the DEPOSITOR.
    3, RECIPIENT must contact the DEPOSITOR in the case of application for any patents or commercial use based on the results from the use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE.
    DepositorRIKEN BRC (RIKEN BRC)
    Strain Statusan icon for Frozen spermFrozen sperm
    Strain AvailabilityRecovered litters from cryopreserved sperm (2 to 4 months)
    Cryopreserved sperm (within 1 month)
    Additional Info.Necessary documents for ordering:
    1. Order form (Japanese / English)
    2. Category I MTA: CRISPR/Cas9 genome edited bioresources (Japanese / English)
    3. Acceptance of responsibility for living modified organism (Japanese / English)

    Genotyping protocol -PCR-

    BRC mice in Publications

    No Data