Ordering Information [in Japanese] [in English]
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Please check terms and conditions set forth by the depositor, which are specified in the RIKEN BRC Catalog and/or Web Catalog.
Terms and conditions set forth by the DEPOSITOR | In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature designated by the DEPOSITOR is requested. (Kita et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 (18): e2020125118 (2021)) |
Ordering | Please visit Common marmoset cDNA Clone MMTD. Order form [Credit Card Payment] [Bank Transfer Payment] Exclusive MTA [Link] |
Remarks | Common marmoset is one of the animals as the object of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Therefore, the permissions from the regulatory bodies are necessary in both exporting and importing countries. |
提供条件 | 利用者は、研究成果の公表にあたって寄託者の指定する文献を引用する。 (Kita et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 (18): e2020125118 (2021)) |
提供依頼 | 手続きの詳細は、「コモンマーモセットcDNAクローンMMTD」をご覧ください。 提供依頼書 [Word] 専用MTA[Link] |
備考 | 本件クローンの輸出にはワシントン条約に係る手続きが必要です。 |
Catalog # | Resource name | Shipping form | Fee (non-profit org.) |
MMTD03111 | MMTD03111 | DNA solution | JPY 9,460 plus cost of shipping containers, dry ice (if required) and shipping charge |
Original reference
reference | Kita, Y., Cellular-resolution gene expression profiling in the neonatal marmoset brain reveals dynamic species- and region-specific differences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 (18): e2020125118 (2021). PMID 33903237. |
reference | Shimogori, T., Digital gene atlas of neonate common marmoset brain. Neurosci. Res. 128: 1-13 (2018). PMID 29111135. |
reference | Okano, H., Brain/MINDS: A Japanese National Brain Project for Marmoset Neuroscience. Neuron 92 (3): 582-590 (2016). PMID 27809998. |
reference | Mashiko, H., Comparative anatomy of marmoset and mouse cortex from genomic expression. J. Neurosci. 32 (15): 5039-5053 (2012). PMID 22496550. |
Further references such as user reports and related articles (go to bottom)
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This clone will be sequenced a portion and digested by restriction enzyme for examination before shipping.
User report and related articles
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