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23/C08 - S. pombe Postgenome Database Clone

 Plasmid request
Clone ID at the S. pombe Postgenome Database 23/C08
NCBI Gene ID 2543011
Gene Symbol SPAC10F6.11c
Protein Name autophagy associated kinase activator (predicted)
RefSeq Protein
PomBase(1) SPAC10F6.11c
KEGG(2) spo:SPAC10F6.11c
Depositor-supplied data(3) 23C08
Note 959A:G / 1209T:C(4)

(1) The PomBase, funded by the Wellcome Trust and is run by a consortium comprising the University of Cambridge, the European Bioinformatics Institute and University College London.

(2) The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes of the Kanehisa Laboratories in the Bioinformatics Center of Kyoto University and the Human Genome Center of the University of Tokyo.

(3) Primer sequences for constructing an entry clone and known sequence variation are available at this site, the S. pombe Postgenome Database of the Chemical Geneitcs Laboratory, RIKEN.

(4) Remarks by the Depositor.

Please note that the information was bioinformatically annotated and that this information may not reflect the most recent annotation of the reference sequence. You should carefully check the insert sequence provided by us to make sure that it matches the sequence you expect.
Gene Engineering Division has digested by restriction enzymes and sequenced a portion of the resource for verification. The result is shown below if available.

Please note that they are GENOMIC clones.

Entry vector

Catalog number Clone name Clone status
SPW009256 SpENT23C08 confirmation required

FFH Vector (FLAG2-His6-tag clone)

Catalog number Clone name Clone status
SPW049256 SpFFH23C08 confirmation required

YFH Vector (YFP-FLAG-His6-tag clone)

Catalog number Clone name Clone status
SPW089256 SpYFH23C08 confirmation required
user_report - reference Zhao, D., Atg20- and Atg24-family proteins promote organelle autophagy in fission yeast. J. Cell Sci. 129 (22): 4289-4304 (2016). PMID 27737912.
user_report - reference Sun, L.L., Global analysis of fission yeast mating genes reveals new autophagy factors. PLoS Genet. 9 (8): e1003715 (2013). PMID 23950735.

Reference of clones: Matsuyama, A., Nature Biotech., 24, 841-847 (2006).

Please visit Data Sheet for the information of vectors and sequence primers.

No Approval Forms Required for Fluorescent Protein Genes Developed by Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki
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pombe_clone_primer_ver2_2023Apr26.csv -